Alto Adige Wine Booth Design
The Alto Adige Wine booth needed a new design for the tourism trade show that takes place every year in northern Italy.
Ruth, the project manager of Alto Adige Wine, approached me to give their stand a new appearance. They were looking for a new concept that they could easily recreate with a new design every year.

Tourism and Gastronomy
IDM Südtirol for Südtirol Wein
Project Details:
Art Direction
Booth Design
Wine Booth Wall Design
The wine booth design showcases 18 new creations from wineries across South Tyrol. Visitors have the chance to try these wines at the fair on-site.
To make it easier for the guests to decide on which one to try, we described each bottle with an adjective. Since South Tyrol is the German-speaking part of Italy, the adjectives are written alternating in German and Italian.

I chose hand-lettered fonts for this project to underscore the meaning of each adjective. The fonts create a personal, handcrafted feel that mirrors the wine production in South Tyrol. Additionally, I created some illustrations that in turn underline the adjectives.

I wanted to draw the attention to the wine bottles by mounting them to the wall. Architect Julia Pircher, who designed the booth, helped design the bottle holders. The iron holders are almost invisible, so the bottles appear to be floating. This way, the 18 bottles are in full sight and in focus as they should be.

The new design was very well received by the client and the visitors. Good thing we could cheer on the project’s success with a good glass of wine. Or two. 😉

Wine Booth Design—Promotion Stand
The Alto Adige Wine Booth design contained an extra feature to promote the prize for the best South Tyrollean wine restaurant for 2017 (Südtirol Preis für Weinkultur 2017). Some of the criteria are: wine service and presentation, the product range, and the best wine/meal combination.
Alto Adige Wine created a lottery so that non-professionals were also able to vote for their favorite restaurant. Visitors could submit their choices at the promotion stand and enter for a chance to win a dinner for two in the restaurant that won the competition.

The feature was placed in front of the Alto Adige Wine booth. To draw attention to the lottery, we hung three fruit crates up the air. I colored the creates in the CI colors and mounted the following keywords on them: Vote, Win, Enjoy. I used a printer to cut these words out of 5 mm white forex.
I decorated the feature with the same keywords and a pattern that I illustrated of bottle shapes. Ruth mounted a tablet on top of the feature where the guests could vote using an online tool.

Wine Glass Stem Wrap
Top of Alto Adige Wine is an event where South Tyrol wines are awarded by Italy’s most prestigious wine guides. Visitors of this event are able to taste and discuss the selection of sparkling, white, and red wines.
This event gets promoted at the Hotel fair with these cute wine glass stem wraps. They not only carry the information of the event, but are handy drip protectors as well.

>> See the related project Booth Design for Tourism Trade Show